ASMI Archivio Storico Macrosismico ItalianoItalian Archive of Historical Earthquake Data

Elenco studiData sources
Elenco terremotiEarthquakes

Tertulliani et al., 2018

Tertulliani A., Cecić I., Meurers R., Sović I., Kaiser D., Grünthal G., Pazdírková J., Sira C., Guterch B., Kysel R., Camelbeeck T., Lecocq T., Szanyi G., 2018. The 6 May 1976 Friuli earthquake: re-evaluating and consolidating transnational macroseismic data. Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata 59, 4, 417-444.

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The aim of this paper is to propose the creation, in terms of European Macroseismic Scale (EMS-98), of the entire macroseismic field of the 6 May 1976 Friuli earthquake. Only forty odd years have passed, and nothwithstanding that there is a huge quantity of existing data, it was still disturbing to find that much of the original data are missing and probably lost forever. Efforts have, therefore, been made to find additional and still unknown primary data. For the majority of the collected national data sets, a reevaluation was, then, possible. This study presents the comprehensive macroseismic data set for 14 European countries. It is, to our knowledge, one of the largest European data sets, consisting of 3423 intensity data points. The earthquake was felt from Rome to the Baltic Sea, and from Belgium to Warsaw. The maximum intensity 10 EMS-98 was reached in eight localities in Friuli (Italy). Compared to previous studies, the Imax values have changed from country to country, in some cases being lowered due to methodological differences, but in the case of three among the most hit countries, Imax is now higher than in the previous studies, mainly due to the new data.

Nell'archivio c'è un terremoto da questo studio:In the archive there is one earthquake considered from this study:

molto grandiextra large
molto piccolivery small
non parametrizzatinot determined

Clicca sulla riga per individuare il terremoto sulla mappa o sulla lente per ottenere più informazioni.Click the row to highlight the earthquake on the map or the lens to obtain more information.

  DataDate    Area epicentraleEpicentral area    MDPs   Imax  EQ in
EQ in
Riferim. in
1976 05 06Friuli  3420  10