
Italian macroseismic Database


Release v1.5

Mario Locati, Romano Camassi, Andrea Rovida,
Emanuela Ercolani, Filippo Bernardini, Viviana Castelli, Carlos Hector Caracciolo,
Andrea Tertulliani, Antonio Rossi, Raffaele Azzaro, Salvatore D’Amico

Data archive management by
Mario Locati, Andrea Rovida, Salvatore D'Amico

Paola Albini, Maria Giovanna Bianchi, Cecilia Ciuccarelli, Alberto Comastri,
Dante Mariotti, Stefania Conte, Enrico Rocchetti

Website by
Mario Locati

DBMI15 was compiled in the framework activities of the INGV T3 activity
called "Seismic hazard and contribution to the risk definition"
and as contribution to the agreement between INGV and
the Italian Department of Civil Protecion 2012-2021.

July 2016

Download the DBMI15 description
as a PDF file


Information notes

   Terms of use

1. Introduction

2. Data content

3. Definition of locality

4. Standardization of the source data

4.1. Standardization of the geographical coordinates

4.2. Locality "special cases"

4.3. Standardization of the place names

4.4. Association with the gazetteer identifier

4.5. Standardization of the intensities

4.6. Standardization of greatly uncertain intensities

5. What has changed from DBMI11

6. Acknowledgments

7. Bibliography

Appendix. List of used studies.

Information notes

Terms of use

DBMI15 is made openly available via its dedicated website at Data can be also accessed by means of “web services”, an alternative, machine friendly, solution available at this address.

DBMI15 is a scientific product released by Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica (INGV) that required few years of work and makes available data released by various authors from different institutions.

DBMI15 can be used for educational and non-profit scientific purposes only. The source must always be cited.

It is forbidden to reproduce the website, even partly, under a different name or address, or to use its content to establish other websites having the same purpose.

Any commercial and profit use is explicitly forbidden without a prior agreement with INGV.

If you would like to obtain additional permissions to use the work beyond those granted by the license that has been applied, or if you’re not sure if your intended use is permitted by the license, you should contact the authors.


DBMI15 can be used, even partly, but it must be cited as follow:

Locati M., Camassi R., Rovida A., Ercolani E., Bernardini F., Castelli V., Caracciolo C.H., Tertulliani A., Rossi A., Azzaro R., D’Amico S., Conte S., Rocchetti E. (2016). Italian Macroseismic Database (DBMI15). Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV).


DBMI15 is released under the following licence
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
CC BY-SA 4.0


DBMI15 delivers data on the Italian seismicity and it is based on the available scientific knowledge; however, due to the complex natural phenomena covered, INGV cannot be made responsible for any incomplete or unreliable data provided in the catalogue, or for future events that may be inferred by users on the basis of the data provided.

Neither INGV, nor the DBMI15 authors are responsible for the use that might be made of the data provided, nor are they responsible for any damage to third-parties caused by conclusions based on the data provided.

1. Introduction

The latest version of the Italian Macroseismic Database, DBMI15, has been released in July 2016, and replaces the prevision version, called DBMI11 (Locati et al., 2011).

DBMI makes available a set of macroseismic intensity data related to Italian earthquakes and covers the time-window 1000-2014. Intensity data derive from studies by authors from various Institutions, both in Italy and bordering countries (France, Austria, Slovenia, and Croatia).

Macroseismic Data Points (MDPs) are collected and organized in DBMI for several scopes. The main goal is to create a homogenous set of data for assessing earthquake parameters (epicentral location and magnitude) for compiling the Parametric Catalogue of Italian Earthquakes (CPTI). The data provided by DBMI are also used for compiling the seismic history of thousands of Italian localities (15213 in DBMI15), in other words the list of effects observed in a place through time as a consequence of earthquakes, expressed as macroseismic intensity degrees.

As they are closely linked, DBMI and CPTI tend to be published at the same time, and using the same release version (e.g. DBMI04-CPTI04, DBMI11-CPTI11), but in two distinct websites, one for DBMI, and a different one for CPTI.

From this release, DBMI and CPTI (Rovida et al., 2016) are made available using a unified website.

2. Data content

DBMI15 contains 122701 macroseismic data points related to 3212 earthquakes. As shown in figures 1 and 2, there is a great increase in both the number of earthquakes with intensity data, and the total number of intensity data with respect to previous versions (DBMI04, Stucchi et al. 2007; DBMI11, Locati et al. 2011).

Fig. 1 – Comparison of the number of earthquakes per year in various DBMI releases: DBMI15 in blue, DBMI11 in red, and DBMI04 in green.

Fig. 2 – Comparison of the number of MDPs (Macroseismic Data Points) per year in various DBMI releases DBMI15 in blue, DBMI11 in red, and DBMI04 in green.

The increase of data is mainly due to the inclusion of intensity data from studies dealing with a great number of earthquakes not considered during the compilation of DBMI11. Among these studies there are Molin et al. (2008), dealing with low energy earthquakes, and Camassi et al. (2011), dealing with unknown and/or forgotten earthquakes, that made available data respectively on 851 and 227 earthquakes, even if not all these eartqhueakes were selected for entering DBMI15. Other important works that greatly contributed to the increase of data are those by Azzaro and Castelli (2015), Camassi et al. (2012; 2015). A significant increase in MDPs is also due to intensity threshold, lowered from 5-6 to 5.

Tab. 1 - Main types of sources that contributed data to DBMI15.

Type Studies Earthquakes MDPs
Collection of earthquake files 14 367 10971
Data from macroseismic field surveys 38 97 6579
Technical reports 19 229 4231
Papers on jpurnals or volumes 70 257 12660
Studies meant for updating DBMI 4 1010 13345
Macroseismic Bulletin 36 392 36539
Online databases 4 860 38363
Total 185 3212 122701

Table 1 roughly synthetizes the type of data sources that contributed data to DBMI15. The largest number of MDPs comes from the Macroseismic Bulletin, 36539 MDPs related to 392 earthquakes, and from four online databases (38363 MDPs related to 860 earthquakes) among which the more relevant is CFTI4Med (28155 MDPs related to 560 earthquakes; Guidoboni et al. 2007). A significant number of earthquakes come from a series of reports specifically prepared for updating the DBMI content.

As for previous DBMI releases, in case of multiple studies related to the same earthquake, a selection has been carried out taking into account the quality of each study, and the number and spatial distribution of MDPs. All things being equal, the oldest work has been selected.

Among the works published by non-Italian authors, the most significant are the French databases SisFrance (BRGM-EDF-IRSN, 2014) with 114 earthquakes for a total number of 5661 MDPs, and BD-MFC (BCSF 2015; 2016) with 3 earthquakes after the year 2000 reporting a total number of 1533 MDPs.

The number of available MDPs per earthquake is extremely variable; about a sixth (16.8%) of earthquakes has only 1 MDP; the 8.6% of earthquakes has 2 MDPs; a quarter (24.7%) has a set of MDPs between 3 and 10 MDPs; a third has between 10 and 50 MDPs; and a sixth (17.2%) has more than 50 MDPs (Fig. 3). No spatial cluster of earthquakes by number of MDPs is observed as they are equally distributed all along the Italian peninsula, while it is evident that earthquakes with a large number of MDPs greatly increase after 1850.

Fig. 3 - Percentage of earthquake per number of MDPs.

The 122701 MDPs are related to 20000 localities, of which 15213 are located in Italy (Fig. 4), and cover a total number of 7702 municipalities, out of the total 8047 (ISTAT 2015). By accessing the “query by locality” section of the website, users may obtain the seismic history of each locality, i.e. the list of earthquakes for which a macroseismic intensity is reported.

Fig. 4 – Plot of the maximum observed intensities for the 15213 Italian localities.

Fig. 5 – Diagram of the number of MDPs per degree of intensity.

Figure 5 shows the significant number of MDPs with low intensities, and in particular between 3 and 5. The increase, with respect to the previous DBMI releases, is caused by the inclusion of many moderate energy earthquakes, in particular after the 19th century (Fig. 6).

1000-1099, 9 EQs, 14 MDPs
1100-1199, 20 EQs, 98 MDPs
1200-1299, 33 EQs, 115 MDPs
1300-1399, 62 EQs, 252 MDPs
1400-1499, 108 EQs, 450 MDPs
1500-1599, 151 EQs, 798 MDPs
1600-1699, 172 EQs, 2194 MDPs
1700-1799, 366 EQs, 4302 MDPs
1800-1899, 656 EQs, 17685 MDPs
1900-1939, 605 EQs, 23396 MDPs
1940-1979, 424 EQs, 16552 MDPs
1980-2014, 606 EQs, 56845 MDPs

Fig. 6 - Plot of the maximum intensities per historical period.

3. Definition of locality

The macroseismic intensity is by definition referred to a “locality”, meant as populated areas of a certain importance, independently from its present or past administrative role. The term “locality” equally refers to either region, province, or county capitals, and to variously sized hamlets, towns, or cities.

The Mercalli-Cancani-Sieberg scale (MCS, Sieberg, 1930) does not precisely define a locality, and the minimum or maximum number of buildings to be considered for a proper intensity assessment. A clear definition is instead given in the European Macroseismic Scale (EMS-98; Grünthal, 1998):

…intensity should not be assigned to a single building or street [or] a metropolis or a county….
…no smaller than a village … no larger than a moderately-sized European town…
…locations which are reasonably homogeneous, especially with regard to soil types, otherwise the range of shaking effects reported may be very large….
…It is also desirable to assign values to locations which are reasonably homogeneous, especially with regard to soil types, otherwise the range of shaking effects reported may be very large. However, this is not always practicable, depending on the precision in the data and how they were gathered. In the case where a town has areas in which the geotechnical conditions are very different (for instance, one half might be on an alluvial bank but the other on a plateau) then different intensity values should be assessed for the two parts of the town independently…

What it is clear to the authors of the macroseismic scales, including Mercalli in the versions of the scale prior to the MCS, is that intensity is a classification of the severity of the effects caused by the ground shaking on a “statistically” consistent sample of buildings; in particular, effects on single buildings, or on a small number of them might be affected by local site conditions or vulnerability levels.

The official Italian administrative subdivisions are, in order of importance, 1) Regions, 2) Metropolitan Cities, 3) Provinces, 4) Municipalities. The Italian law does not provide any additional sub-division of a municipality.

The National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT 2011) defines a municipal sub-unit for statistical purposes only, but their definition greatly varies between each ten-year national census. A certain level of stability of these sub-units was introduced with the 1991 census, when a series of more or less precise definitions were given, in Italian “frazione geografica”, “centro abitato”, “nucleo abitato”, “case sparse”.

It is clear that such an unstable administrative sub-unit definition cannot be adopted to describe observations spanning over a millennium, therefore the generic term “locality” is adopted. Only for a convenient use of the “query by locality” section, users can search for a specific locality by the administrative subdivision where it is today located, as it is officially reported by the National Institute of Statistics in the year 2015.

4. Standardization of the source data

DBMI15 is a compilation of multiple works published by various authors during a time-window of many decades. Each work has its own solution for presenting results, and provide intensity data according to different rules and tables, either with or without geographic coordinates, sometimes simply showing a map of the intensity values. An additional level of complexity in the data collection and archiving is caused by the fact that, apart from recent ones, the majority of the studies are available only as hardcopies.

A series of operations were performed in order to obtain a homogenous set of intensity data, without altering the original information.

The standardization operations performed for DBMI15 are consistent with those adopted in the compilation of the European Archive of Historical Earthquake Data (AHEAD; Locati et al. 2014).

4.1 Standardization of the geographical coordinates

Most of the considered seismological sources provide the geographical coordinates of the cited localities. However, each source adopts a different approach for presenting these coordinates: some adopt the sexagesimal system, some the decimal system. Some sources do not provide coordinates, but simply a list of place names, either past or present, sometimes accompanied by the name of the corresponding municipality. Sometimes sources only provide a map and not the corresponding table.

The position of a locality associated to a macroseismic observation is of fundamental importance, and for this reason DBMI adopts, since its earlier versions, an internal gazetteer that covers the whole national territory, and that is continuously updated. In the gazetteer each record represents a locality, with place name, coordinates and moreover, an identifier, and other useful information.

The gazetteer grants the unequivocal association of a place name with a pair of geographical coordinates, and the association of a locality reported in a data source to the corresponding locality in the Gazetteer must be performed carefully, verifying their actual correspondence, therefore is usually performed manually. When the data source provides precise information on the position and the place name, the association is straightforward. Vice versa, when the provided information is incomplete, inaccurate, or imprecise, the association can be tricky, especially for different localities with similar names in the same area, leading to a certain level of ambiguity. If the study provides neither coordinates nor a map, and the association with the gazetteer is uncertain.

In extreme cases, it is impossible to identify the position of a locality, because there is no trace of it in any of the checked geographical references (e.g. historical maps by the Military Geographic Institute, Google Maps, Bing Maps, Open Street Map, Tuttocittà, ViaMichelin).

The geographical coordinates provided by the Gazetteer are expressed in decimal degrees, using the revision WGS84 of the World Geodetic System.

4.2 Locality “special cases”

From a macroseismic point-of-view, a locality can be generally defined as a populated area. Depending on the available information, it may be difficult to associate a precise locality with the reported observations. Some authors propose to retain the information about effects related either to areas other than proper localities such as a valley, historical regions, extensive areas or to isolated houses, lighthouses, towers, castles, monasteries.

DBMI15 provides a code to identify such special cases, according to different typologies (Tab. 2).

Tab. 2- List of the codes used in DBMI15 for special cases of localities, and the related number of MDPs.

SC Code Special Case Description MDPs Localities
TE Territory A large area (e.g. a region, a valley) for which the information available does not allow to identify a proper locality. 271 219
IB Isolated Building An isolated building (e.g. tower, lighthouse), for which intensity assignment is not compatible with the statistical meaning of intensity. 240 144
SS Small Settlement A settlement the size of which is too small to supply a significant building sample for intensity assessment (e.g. monastery complex, castle) 620 283
MS Multiple Settlement Settlement whose traditional place name refers to a set of small settlements in a limited area, including small islands. 4244 570
DL Deserted Locality Abandoned locality, eventually rebuilt elsewhere with the same or another name. Today it might appear as a toponym on old maps only, or as ruins. 213 69
AL Absorbed Locality A locality absorbed into a larger one. 163 41
CQ City Quarter Information related to part of a city, for which there is already an intensity assessment. 45 27
UL Unidentified Locality A place that both the author of the study and the DBMI compilers are not able to locate the geographical position. 109 109

4.3. Standardization of the place names

The place names reported in the data sources follow different standards, as they might report locality names as mentioned by the historical sources, or in the language in use at the time of the earthquake, or using the corresponding modern, official names.

DBMI15 conventionally presents only the modern official name of the localities, separately preserving the name reported by the data source for tracing back the originals in case of need.

4.4 Association with the gazetteer identifier

As already mentioned, DBMI has use an internal reference gazetteer, that allowed to associate a unique identifier to each mentioned locality.

Place identifiers are the key for generating the seismic history of a locality, and are obtained by retrieving the list of earthquakes for which there is a macroseismic observation related to such locality.

Starting from DBMI15 the identifier of the locality is made public to allow the users of the website to point directly to a locality using the following path scheme:

“” + identifier of the locality

Example: seismic history of Rome, identifier “IT_54180”

4.5. Standardization of the intensities

The considered studies use different standards for reporting macroseismic intensities. As an example intensities are often expressed either in roman numerals (e.g. VI-VII, VIII, IX) or Arabic numbers (e.g. 6-7, 8, 9), other studies give uncertain degrees as decimals (e.g. 6.5, 8, 9).

DBMI15 adopts the standard proposed by AHEAD for intensities, that foresees the use of Arabic numbers (e.g. 8, 9), and a dash for expressing uncertain degrees (e.g. 6-7).

In addition, the AHEAD standard rigorously applies the guidelines of macroseismic scale, according to which intensities are not assessed for single buildings, or very large areas. In such cases, the value reported by the data source is modified. If the available information it is not considered sufficient for assessing an intensity, it is possible to adopt non-conventional descriptive codes such as “D” for damage, or “F” for felt. Table 3 reports the complete list of these descriptive codes, the corresponding numerical value for sorting tables, and the number of MDPs affected.

Tab. 3 – List of non-conventional descriptive codes, their meaning, and the corresponding number of MDPs.

Code Ass. value Description MDPs
RS - Instrumental registration. If present, these observations have been rejected. -
NR - Not Reported. If present, these observations have been rejected. -
W - Tsunami, sea Waves. If present, these observations have been rejected. -
E - Environmental effects. If present, these observations have been rejected. -
G 0.2 Generic damage information 5
NF 1 Not Felt 24012
NC 1.8 Not Classified 111
SF 2.9 Slightly Felt 49
F 3.9 Felt 5146
HF 5.1 Highly Felt 118
SD 5.6 Slight Damage 22
D 6.4 Damage 679
HD 8.6 Heavy Damage 184

In case the data source associated an intensity degree to a building or a vast area, DBMI recompiles the original intensity as it is reported in Table 4.

Tab. 4 - Intensity compilation rules, in relation to special cases of localities. Between brackets is represented a corresponding decimal value, used internally for sorting tables.

1 1-2 2 2-3 3 3-4 4 4-5 5 5-6 MDPs
no SC NF
AL 106
CQ 32
DL 53
SS 241
MS 3603
UL 43
TE 28

Tab. 4 (continuation).

6 6-7 7 7-8 8 8-9 9 9-10 10 10-11 MDPs
no SC 6
AL 42
CQ 12
DL 146
SS 207
MS 517
UL 33
TE 25

The study CFTI4Med, that represents the 17% of the earthquakes and the 23% of the MDPs of DBMI15, adopts some non-conventional descriptive codes of the effects (Tab. 5). Such codes are explained in the old release CFTI2 (Boschi et al. 1997). As the goal of DBMI is to provide a homogenous set of intensities, the CFTI non-conventional codes have been recompiled according to Table 6.

Tab. 5 – List of all non-conventional descriptive codes used in CFTI.

Descr. code Ass. value Description
EE -2 Environmental effects only.
NC -1 Not classified, si rimanda ai commenti analitici
NF 0 Earthquake not felt
N 0.1 Riscontro negativo nelle fonti coeve
G 0.2 Generic damage indication in a locality
F 4.6 Earthquake was felt
S 5.1 Strongly felt, but not enough information to establish whether there is a damage or not
D 6.1 falling eaves, cracking, or general indication of damage to the building which has not prevented it from being used
E 6.6 Generic damage indication to a building
C 8.1 Partial collapse of the roof
B 8.2 collapse limited to the top of the building
A 9.1 Colapse and/or extensive damage to load-bearing walls

Tab. 6 - Recompilation scheme of CFTI descriptive codes and the corresponding number of MDPs.

no SC E
AL 10
CQ -
DL 4
SS 62
MS 96
UL 13
IB 15
TE 115

Tab. 6 (continue).

no SC D
AL 1
CQ -
DL 5
SS 94
MS 18
UL 8
IB 40
TE 70

4.6 Standardization of greatly uncertain intensities

Sometimes the available information is not detailed enough to assess an intensity degree in a straightforward way, and such an uncertainty is expressed with a range (e.g. 6-7, 7-8).

It may happen that the uncertainty is retained so high to be express as a wide range of degrees, and intensities such as 5-7 or 3-5 might appear in the original data. This information cannot be used directly in the calculation that use macroseismic intensities, nor should an average value be used.

The solution adopted in DBMI15 is to properly assign one of the available non-conventional descriptive values (e.g. “HD”, “D”, or “F”), selecting the best matching code using some indication provided by the EMS-98 scale (Tab. 7). Percentages are calculated taking into account the number of classes that fall in the uncertain intensity classes (Fig. 7). As an example, intensity 5-7 contains 5 degrees (5, 5-6, 6, 6-7, 7); as “HF” correspond to class 5, so 1 class divided by 5 is 0.20; “SD” correspond to class 5-6, so again 1 divided by 5 is 0.20; class “D” correspond to 3 classes 6, 6-7 and 7, so 3 classes divided by 5 is 0.60.

Tab. 7 - List of the greatly uncertain intensities found in the sources used by DBMI15 and their relation with the corresponding percentages of the non-conventional descriptive codes.

greatly uncertain
non-conventional descriptive codes
≥ 7 0 0 0 0 0.25 0.75
6-8 0 0 0 0 0.80 0.20
5-7 0 0 0.20 0.20 0.60 0
4-6 0 0.20 0.40 0.20 0.20 0
3-5 0.20 0.40 0.40 0 0 0
2-5 0.43 0.29 0.29 0 0 0
2-4 0.60 0.40 0 0 0 0

Fig. 7 – Visual representation of the relation between greatly uncertain intensities, and non-conventional descriptive codes.

From table and figure 7 it can be observed that:

  • “≥ 7” is better represented by “HD”;
  • “6-8” is better represented by “D”;
  • “5-7” is better represented by “D”
  • “4-6” is better represented by “HF”, but has some overlap with “SD” and “D”;
  • “3-5” is better represented by both “HF” and “F”;
  • “2-5” is better represented by “SF”, and also by “HF” and “F”;
  • “2-4” is better represented by “SF”.

DBMI therefore adopts the numerical value corresponding to the non-conventional descriptive code following what is reported in table 8. Purely for comparison purpose, it reported the average value between the two extremes, and the non-conventional descriptive code where the value falls.

Tab. 8 – Recompilation scheme adopted by DBMI for greatly uncertain intensities.

greatly uncertain
Best matching
representative code
Numerical value Media degli estremi Equivalent
descriptive code
≥ 7 HD 8.6 9.0 HD
6-8 D 6.4 7.0 D
5-7 D 6.4 6.0 D
4-6 SD 5.6 5.0 HF
3-5 HF 5.1 4.0 F
2-5 F 3.9 3.5 F
2-4 SF 2.9 3.0 SF

5. What has changed from DBMI11

For 1494 out of the total of 3212 earthquakes (46.5%) DBMI15 adopts the same data source as it was selected for DBMI11. For 172 earthquakes (5.4%) the selected study has been changed. 15 earthquakes have been removed, of which 4 removed because the data source (Bollettino Macrosismico ING, Gasparini et al. 2002) has proved to be largely unreliable, whereas 11 of them proved to be fake by recent studies.

DBMI15 makes available new intensity datasets for 1546 earthquakes (48.1%), of which 895 earthquakes already reported by CPTI11 but without intensity data, and 651 completely new earthquakes with respect to CPTI11.

Table 9 summarize the comparison between DBMI11 and DBMI15, whereas table 10 the data sources that contributed most of the new earthquakes.

Tab. 9 – Comparison summary between set of MDPs in DBMI11 and in DBMI15.

Description Earthquakes
Common MDP sets between DBMI11 e DBMI15 1494
MDP sets that changed the refence study 172
MDP sets removed because related to fkae earthquakes 11
MDP sets removed because the reference study is not reliable 4
New MDP sets associated to earthquakes already in CPTI11 895
New MDP sets associated to earthquakes not in CPTI11 651

Tab. 10 – Main data sources that contributed new earthquakes to DBMI15.

Reference study new EQs % new EQs % of EQs in DBMI15
Molin et al., 2008 702 45.4 21.9
Bollettino Macrosismico ING/INGV 236 15.3 7.3
Camassi et al., 2011b 191 12.4 5.9
SisFrance, 2014 111 7.2 3.5
CFTI4med 106 6.9 3.3
Camassi et al., 2012 30 1.9 0.9
Guidoboni and Ciuccarelli, 2011 27 1.7 0.8
Azzaro et al., 2014 16 1.0 0.5
Azzaro et al., 2000 12 0.8 0.4
Camassi and Molin, 1994 11 0.7 0.3
other studies 104 6.7 3.2
total 1546 100% 48.1%

As a final remark, data from the ING (1980-1999) and then INGV (2000-2005) Macroseismic Bulletin that was digitally acquired during the compilation of DBMI11 have been thoroughly checked against the original hard copies of all the 35 volumes. Such an extensive check causes some minor differences between data from the Macroseismic Bulletin in DBMI11 and DBMI15.

Fig. 8 – Covers of all the 35 issues of the Macroseismic Bulletin, published from the year 1980 up to 2005.

6. Acknowledgments

The collection, examination, selection, and standardization of a database of 122701 macroseismic observations related to 3212 earthquakes extracted from nearly 200 data sources is a great achievement, that required many years of work and involved many people. DBMI15 is the heir of a long journey started around 1995 in the framework of the research group called “Seismicity” of the GNDT (Gruppo Nazionale per la Difesa dai Terremoti,, that culminated in 1997 with the publication of the database DOM4.1 (Monachesi e Stucchi, 1997), that later on evolved in DBMI04 and DBMI11.

It is not possible to thank each person that contributed to accomplish the present status, either making available their data, providing professional advices, or simply by actively supporting the various performed tasks in such a long period of time. Among all, we owe a debt of gratitude to Giancarlo Monachesi who was the first to start working on intensity data using -by today’s standard- primitive technological equipment, and we would like to thank Massimiliano Stucchi that has guided this journey for a long time.

Among the many others who contributed with their passionate work, we would like to thank Fabio Meloni, a friend that meanwhile left us. It has been long since he published his works, but still today they can be considered as a reference.

7. Bibliography

Azzaro R. e Castelli V., 2015. Materiali per un catalogo di terremoti etnei dal 1600 al 1831. Quaderni di Geofisica, 123, INGV, Roma, 284 pp.

Boschi E., Guidoboni E., Ferrari G., Valensise G. and Gasperini P. (eds.), 1997. Catalogo dei forti terremoti in Italia dal 461 a.C. al 1990, vol. 2. ING-SGA, Bologna, 644 pp.

BCSF, 2015. BD-MFC, Base de Données Macrosismiques Françaises Contemporaines. Le Bureau Central Sismologique Français, Ecole et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre.

BCSF, 2016. BD-MFC, Base de Données Macrosismiques Françaises Contemporaines. Le Bureau Central Sismologique Français, Ecole et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre.

BRGM-EDF-IRSN/SisFrance, 2014. Histoire et caractéristiques des séismes ressentis en France.

Camassi R., Caracciolo C.H., Castelli V., Ercolani E., Bernardini F., Albini P., Rovida A., 2012. Contributo INGV al WP2 del progetto HAREIA - Historical and Recent Earthquakes in Italy and Austria: Studio della sismicità storica del Friuli Venezia-Giulia, Veneto e Alto Adige. Rapporto finale, Bologna, 23 pp. + 5 Allegati Camassi et al. (2015).

Camassi R., Castelli V., Molin D., Bernardini F., Caracciolo C. H., Ercolani E. and Postpischl L., 2011. Materiali per un catalogo dei terremoti italiani: eventi sconosciuti, rivalutati o riscoperti. Quaderni di Geofisica, 96, INGV, Roma, 53pp.

Camassi R., Castelli V., Caracciolo C.H., Ercolani E., Bernardini F., 2015. Revisione speditiva di alcuni terremoti di area nord occidentale. Rapporto interno, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, 27 pp.

Gasparini C., Conte S., Rocchetti E., Saraceni A. M., Vannucci C., 2002. Bollettino macrosismico - Terzo quadrimestre 1998. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica, Roma, 58 pp.

Grünthal G. (ed) (1998) European Macroseismic Scale 1998 (EMS-98). Cahiers du Centre Européen de Géodynamique et de Séismologie 15, Centre Européen de Géodynamique et de Séismologie, Luxembourg. ISBN:2-87977-008-4

Guidoboni E., Ferrari G., Mariotti D., Comastri A., Tarabusi G., Valensise G., 2007. CFTI4Med, Catalogue of Strong Earthquakes in Italy (461 B.C.-1997) and Mediterranean Area (760 B.C.-1500). INGV-SGA.

ISTAT (2015). Codici statistici delle unità amministrative territoriali.

ISTAT (2011). Popolazione: Territorio e processi di inurbamento. Serie Storiche ISTAT.

Locati M., Camassi R., Stucchi M. (a cura di), 2011. DBMI11, la versione 2011 del Database Macrosismico Italiano. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Milano, Bologna. doi:

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Appendix. List of used studies.

Short citation Code Full citation EQs MDPs Locs
Albini and Rovida, 2010 ALBRV010 Albini P., Rovida A., 2010. The 12 May 1802 earthquake (N Italy) in its historical and seismological context. J. Seismol., 14, 629-651. doi: 1 94 94
Albini et al., 1994a ALBAL994a Albini P., Bellettati D., Camassi R., Moroni A., Stucchi M. and Zerga A. (eds.), 1994a. Revisione dei terremoti di interesse per il territorio della Provincia di Trento. Rapporto tecnico per la Provincia Autonoma di Trento, IRRS-CNR, Milano, 210 pp. 7 251 215
Albini et al., 1994c ALBAL994c Albini P., Cecic I., Morelli G., Sovic I. and Zivcic M., 1994c. A preliminary investigation of the January 4th, 1802 earthquake. In: P. Albini and A. Moroni (eds.), Materials of the CEC project "Review of Historical Seismicity in Europe", CNR, Milano, vol. 2, 205-214. 1 8 8
Albini et al., 2003 ALBAL003 Albini P., Migliavacca P. and Moroni A., 2003. Studio di alcuni terremoti di intensità epicentrale moderata in Italia settentrionale. Rapporto tecnico, INGV-MI, 58 pp. + appendices. 23 175 158
Albini, 2001 ALBI001 Albini P., 2001. Studio preliminare di alcuni terremoti di energia medio-bassa nell'area di Vittorio Veneto (sec. XIX). Rapporto tecnico INGV-MI per il Progetto GNDT "Scenari di danno in area veneto-friulana", Milano, 6 pp. 5 73 61
Alexandre, 1990 ALEX990 Alexandre P., 1990. Les séismes en Europe occidentale de 394 à 1259. Nouveau catalogue critique. Observatoire Royal de Belgique, Série Geophysique, Bruxelles, 267 pp. 1 2 2
Arch. Mac. GNDT, 1995 AMGNDT995 Archivio Macrosismico GNDT, 1995. Studi preliminari di terremoti attraverso i repertori sismologici. Archivio macrosismico del GNDT, Milano. 241 7561 4399
Arcoraci et al., 2010 ARCAL010 Arcoraci L., Berardi M., Castellano C., Leschiutta I., Maramai A., Rossi A., Tertulliani A. and Vecchi M., 2010. Rilievo macrosismico del terremoto del 15 dicembre 2009 nella Valle del Tevere e considerazioni sull'applicazione della scala EMS98. Quaderni di Geofisica, 82, INGV, Roma, 21pp. 1 26 26
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Arcoraci et al., 2013 ARCAL013 Arcoraci L., Bernardini F., Brizuela B., Ercolani E., Graziani L., Leschiutta I., Maramai A., Tertulliani A., Vecchi M., 2013. Rapporto macrosismico sul terremoto del 21 giugno 2013 (ML 5.2) in Lunigiana e Garfagnana (province di Massa-Carrara e di Lucca) (aggiornato al 30 giugno 2013). Rapporto tecnico QUEST, INGV, Roma, 5 pp. 1 27 27
Azzaro and Barbano, 1995 AZZBA995 Azzaro R., Barbano M.S., 1995. The Pollina (northern Sicily-Italy) earthquake of 26 June 1993: an application of the new European Macroseismic Scale 1992. Nat. Haz., 12, 289-301. doi: 1 47 47
Azzaro and Barbano, 2000 AZZBA000 Azzaro R., Barbano M.S., 2000. Analysis of the seismicity of Southeastern Sicily: a proposed tectonic interpretation. Ann. Geofis., 43, 1, 171-188. doi: 3 87 64
Azzaro and Castelli, 2015 AZZCA015 Azzaro R., Castelli V., 2015. Materiali per un catalogo di terremoti etnei dal 1600 al 1831. Quaderni di Geofisica, 123, INGV, Roma, 284 pp. 11 23 12
Azzaro et al., 2000 AZZAL000 Azzaro R., Barbano M.S., Antichi B. and Rigano R., 2000. Macroseismic catalogue of Mt. Etna earthquakes from 1832 to 1998. Acta Vulcanol., 12, 1-2, 3-36 + CD 183 3579 405
Azzaro et al., 2002 AZZAL002 Azzaro R., D'Amico S., Mostaccio A., Scarfì L., 2002. Terremoti con effetti macrosismici in Sicilia orientale - Calabria meridionale nel periodo Gennaio 1999 - Dicembre 2001. Quaderni di Geofisica, 27, INGV, Roma, 59 pp. 16 711 337
Azzaro et al., 2003a AZZAL003a Azzaro R., Camassi R., D'Amico S., Mostaccio A., Scarfì L., 2003. Il terremoto di Palermo del 6 settembre 2002: effetti macrosismici. Quaderni di Geofisica, 31, INGV, Roma, 15 pp. 1 132 132
Azzaro et al., 2006 AZZAL006 Azzaro R., D'Amico S., Mostaccio A., Scarfì L., Tuvè, T. 2006. Terremoti con effetti macrosismici in Sicilia orientale nel periodo Gennaio 2002 - Dicembre 2005. Quaderni di Geofisica, 41, INGV, Roma, 62 pp. 15 319 136
Azzaro et al., 2009 AZZAL009 Azzaro R., D'Amico S., Mostaccio A., Scarfì L., Tuvè T., 2009. Terremoti con effetti macrosismici in Sicilia orientale nel periodo gennaio 2006 - dicembre 2008. Quaderni di Geofisica, 72, INGV, Roma, 39 pp. 9 233 136
Azzaro et al., 2012 AZZAL012 Azzaro R., D'Amico S., Scarfì L., Tuvè T., 2012. Aggiornamento al rilievo macrosismico degli effetti prodotti dal terremoto del Pollino del 26 ottobre 2012 alle ore 01:05 locali. Rapporto tecnico QUEST, INGV, Roma, 5 pp. 1 40 40
Azzaro et al., 2014 AZZAL014 Azzaro R., D'Amico S., Mostaccio A., Scarfì L., Tuvè T., Manni M., 2014. Terremoti con effetti macrosismici in Sicilia orientale nel periodo Gennaio 2009 - Dicembre 2013. Quaderni di Geofisica, 120, INGV, Roma, 57 pp. 16 532 235
Azzaro, 1995 AZZA995 Azzaro R., 1995. Studio macrosismico dei terremoti di Trapani del 29 maggio e di Filicudi del 23 luglio 1995. Atti 14°Convegno Nazionale GNGTS, 1, 197-204. 2 103 102
Barbano et al., 1980 BARAL980 Barbano M.S., Cosentino M., Lombardo G. and Patané G., 1980. Isoseismal maps of Calabria and Sicily earthquakes (Southern Italy). CNR-PFG, pubbl. 341, Catania, 116 pp. 19 743 340
Barbano et al., 1986 BARAL986 Barbano M.S., Gentile G.F., Riggio A.M., 1986. Il terremoto dell'Alpago-Cansiglio del 18.10.1936: metodologia e problematiche legate allo studio di eventi recenti. Atti del 5° Convegno Annuale del GNGTS, Roma, I, 47-60. 1 269 268
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BD-MFC, 2015 BDMFC015 BCSF, 2015. BD-MFC, Base de Données Macrosismiques Françaises Contemporaines. Le Bureau Central Sismologique Français, Ecole et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre. 2 832 701
BD-MFC, 2016 BDMFC016 BCSF, 2016. BD-MFC, Base de Données Macrosismiques Françaises Contemporaines. Le Bureau Central Sismologique Français, Ecole et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre. 1 701 698
Bernardini and Ercolani, 2011 BERER011 Bernardini F., Ercolani E., 2011. Rilievo macrosismico degli effetti prodotti dal terremoto del 17 luglio 2011 nella Pianura Padana lombardo-veneta (province di Rovigo, Mantova, Modena e Ferrara). Rapporto tecnico QUEST, INGV, Roma, 6 pp. 1 73 73
Bernardini et al., 2003 BERAL003 Bernardini F., Camassi R., Castelli V., Ercolani E., Frapiccini M., Vannucci G., Giovani L., Tertulliani A., 2003. Rilievo macrosismico degli effetti prodotti dalla sequenza sismica iniziata il 14 settembre 2003 (Appennino Bolognese). Rapporto tecnico QUEST, Bologna, INGV, Roma, 10 pp. 1 133 133
Bernardini et al., 2005 BERAL005 Bernardini F., Camassi R., Castelli V., Del Mese S., Ercolani E., Giovani L., Massucci S., Milana G., Rossi A., Tertulliani A., Vecchi M., 2005. Rilievo macrosismico del terremoto del Garda del 24 novembre 2004. Ingegneria Sismica, XXII, 2, 44-58. 1 176 176
Bernardini et al., 2011 BERAL011 Bernardini F., Ercolani E., Del Mese S., 2011. Rapporto macrosismico sul terremoto torinese del 25 luglio 2011. Rapporto tecnico QUEST, INGV, Roma, 5 pp. 1 105 105
Bernardini et al., 2013 BERAL013 Bernardini F., Castelli V., Camassi R., Caracciolo C.H., Ercolani E., 2013. A "forgotten" earthquake rediscovered: the 1948-1949 Monti Reatini (central Apennines) seismic sequence. Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, 54(3), p.229-244. doi: 3 105 95
Bernardini, 2014 BERN014 Bernardini F., 2014. Il terremoto dell'11 luglio 1987 nella Bassa Modenese. Rapporto interno, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, 3 pp. 1 15 15
Bernardis et al., 2000 BERAL000 Bernardis G., Poli M.E., Snidarcig A., Zanferrari A., 2000. Seismotectonic and macroseismic characteristics of the earthquake of Bovec (NW Slovenia: April 12, 1998). Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, 41(2), pp.133-148. 1 28 28
Bollettino Macrosismico ING, 1982 BMING982 AA.VV., 1984. Bollettino macrosismico 1980. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica, Roma, 47 pp. 2 65 65
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