
Italian Archive of Historical Earthquake Data
 Web services homepage

Gazetteer web service

By using this web service, it is possible to retrieve information about inhabited places for which macroseismic data is available in ASMI.
The service is currently heavily under development and the queryable area is restricted to Italian places only.


Place ID search

If you know the place identifier, you may retrieve it directly by entering
Alternatively, you may enter
Where "XXXXXXXX" is the place identifier.

Parameter Default Description
placeid Type: text with 8 characters

Structure (the number is the char position):

  • 1-2 country code
  • 3 "_"
  • 4-8 identifier between 00001 and 99999


Box search area

Parameter Default Description
(abbrev. minlat)
-90 Type: float
Unit: decimal degrees
Allowed values: between -90 and 90

Limit to places with a latitude larger than or equal to the specified minimum.

(abbrev. maxlat)
90 Type: float
Unit: decimal degrees
Allowed values: between -90 and 90

Limit to places with a latitude smaller than or equal to the specified maximum.

(abbrev. minlon)
-180 Type: float
Unit: decimal degrees
Allowed values: between -180 and 180

Limit to places with a longitude larger than or equal to the specified minimum.

(abbrev. maxlon)
180 Type: float
Unit: decimal degrees
Allowed values: between -180 and 180

Limit to places with a longitude smaller than or equal to the specified maximum.


Circular search area

Parameter Default Description
(abbrev. lat)
0 Type: float
Unit: decimal degrees
Allowed values: between -90 and 90

Specify the latitude to be used for a radius search.

(abbrev. lon)
0 Type: float
Unit: decimal degrees
Allowed values: between -180 and 180

Specify the longitude to the used for a radius search.

minradius 0 Type: float
Unit: geographical degrees

Limit to places within the specified minimum number of degrees from the geographic point defined by the latitude and longitude parameters.

maxradius 1 Type: float
Unit: geographical degrees
Allowed values: between 0.1 and 2

Limit to places within the specified maximum number of degrees from the geographic point defined by the latitude and longitude parameters.

minradiuskm 0 Type: float
Unit: km

Limit to places within the specified minimum number of kilometers (km) from the geographic point defined by the latitude and longitude parameters.

maxradiuskm 50 Type: float
Unit: km
Allowed values: between 1 and 500

Limit to places within the specified maximum number of kilometers (km) from the geographic point defined by the latitude and longitude parameters.


If you omit the "maxradiuskm" parameter from the above request, the service will output the closest place only.

Name and administrative subdivision search

Parameter Default Description
placename Type: text

Limit to places matching the entered name.

municipality Type: text

Limit to places falling into a specified municipality.

municipality_code Type: text

Limit to places falling into a specified municipality code.

province Type: text

Limit to places falling into a specified province.

province code Type: text

Limit to places falling into a specified province code.

region Type: text

Limit to places falling into a specified region.

region code Type: text

Limit to places falling into a specified region code.

admin3_head_only Type: text

Limit to places that are head of the 3rd level administrative subdivision, in Italy the municipality.

admin2_head_only Type: text

Limit to places that are head of the 2nd level administrative subdivision, in Italy the province.

admin1_head_only Type: text

Limit to places that are head of the 1st level administrative subdivision, in Italy the region.

namesearchmethod Type: text
Allowed values: exact, startwith, endwith, contains
Default: exact

Limit to places falling into a specified municipality.




Seismic history

Parameter Default Description
includeseismichistory false Type: boolean
Allowed values: true/false (case insensitive)

When set to true, the service will include the seismic history of the place, in other words, the list of earthquakes for which an effect generated by an earthquakes was reported at the place.

withseismichistoryonly false Type: boolean
Allowed values: true/false (case insensitive)

When set to true, the service will set to true the "includeseismichistory" parameters, and will only include places for which there is a seismic history, excluding those for which there are no reported earthquake effects.




Output parameters

Parameter Default Description
format xml Type: text
Allowed values: xml, xml_full, json, json_full

Specify the format of result, either ‘xml’ (default), ‘xml_full’, json or json_full.
The xml format is encoded using a custom scheme, mostly based on the macroseismic extension of QuakeML 2.0.
The ‘full’ variant of xml or json will add the altitude, administrative subdivisions, diocese, and links to external resources (e.g. Wikipedia and Geonames).

orderby Type: text
Allowed values: name, identifier

Order the result by place or identifier, using the following possibilities:
place-asc: order by place ascending
place-desc: order by place descending
identifier-asc: order by ascending identifier
identifier-desc: order by descending identifier

limit 100 Type: integer
Allowed values: between 1 and 1000

Limit the results to the specified number of places.

offset 1 Type: integer
Allowable values:

Return results starting at the place count specified, starting at 1.

nodata 204 Type: boolean
Allowable values: 204, 404

Select status code for “no data”, either ‘204’ or ‘404’.